Kinesthetic learning is an instructional strategy much deeper and more important than brain breaks. Author of the book The Kinesthetic Classroom, Mike Kuczala, tells the truth about this teaching style. He provides actionable tips and specific lesson examples of what kinesthetic teaching looks like and how to best integrate it into any classroom. This instructional style was a core component of Ken's classroom, and the conversation is rich with authentic reflections. Mike shares the 6 core foundations of kinesthetic learning and provides specific examples for each pillar.
In This Episode We Cover
Defining what kinesthetic learning is not and what it is.
The six foundations of kinesthetic learning and specific lesson examples.
Preparing the brain
Brain breaks
Supporting exercise and fitness
Class cohesion
Review content
Teach content
Analysis of kinesthetic lessons and strategies for improvement.
Developing effective classroom management strategies
Understanding the brain and how long-term memory is created
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Links from the Show
Mike's Books:
The Kinesthetic Classroom: Teaching and Learning Through Movement
Training in Motion: How to Use Movement to Create Engaging and Effective Learning
Connect with _____
Mike's website: www.mikekuczala.com
Mike's Twitter: @Kinestheticlassroom