I used Canva to create a poster for my co-op with types of quadrilaterals. It's super easy to use and you can create almost anything. Let me know what you like and what do you dislike (about Canva or my design)!
Sydney! I love the colors and these are probably the cutest shapes I've ever seen. The descriptions are really detailed and just awesome. Great job!
I really like this Sydney! I think its organized well and easy to understand. Good job!
Oh wow! I love it Sydney! It has clear instructions and I am sure this will help the students to understand the material better.
This looks really great Sydney! I love how clear and informative it is and you did a great job at not making it look clustered! The students are going to love it!
I absolutely love this! You did a great job at getting all of the information on the poster without making it too busy or overwhelming! Great job, Sydney!