I think screencasting is one of the best tools that are so underutilized by EVERYONE in education. We can leave flipped learning out of the conversation and they still serve a huge purpose. Sixty-five percent of learners are visual. Written directions just don't cut it. Additionally, spending time in class or in a meeting to show "how" to do something is just another misuse of time. SCREENCAST IT!
People who struggle with written directions will be much better served with a screencast.
People who do well with written directions will still succeed with a screencast.
Instead of using your valuable time with students/staff, screencast the "how-to" so you can spend your time discussing why.
Bring more why into your classroom or faculty meetings and less how. The screencasts do not need to be perfect, they just need to convey a clear message. Keep them short, keep them simple. Remember, your audience can pause and rewind, so just keep a consistent pace.
Here is an example of a tutorial on how to use master slides in Google Slides. Now, when I meet with teachers we can brainstorm lesson ideas for why this tool will benefit the teaching and learning experience.